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Will Wood is an American singer and songwriter, who at the time of writing this has released five studio albums. In the past, he made music with his backing band “The Tapeworms”, but has since dropped the title due to “Compilcated Marketing Reasons”

His has an incredibly unique style with a genre that’s hard to pin down. Some of my favorite ways i’ve seen his worked described is “Post-Avant-Garde”, “Heart attack Jazz”, “Folky pop jazz rock latin extravaganza”, and possibly the most accurate: “Mentally Unwell Tunes”

Will Wood’s music has an extremely close place in my heart. It’s addictive, it’s strange, it’s real and it’s different. It feels like a breath of fresh air and a suffocating presence at the same time. I absolutely love it.
My favorite track of his is Surburbia Oveture, and I began listening to him in May 29th 2020

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